
Near the end of the 2011 school year, I panicked at the thought of returning for another year. I emailed my husband who was abroad on business and asked if he thought we could get by on just his salary for a little while.

I am married to an amazing man.

So, I left my full time teaching job and started to write. Then I accepted a part-time position as an adjunct at my local university as a first year writing instructor. I spent the next 15 months writing more than I ever had, volunteering in my community, and connecting with teachers and writers who shared my passions. I was able to be with my girls as they shifted into adolescence, and to be with my Mom in what turned out to be the final year of her life. The time off was more of a blessing than I could have imagined.

Did I mention I have an amazing husband?

In December 2012 I returned to the classroom, teaching second grade in a classroom that regularly has 50% or more ELL students, and in 2015 moved up to 4th grade. Now, I’m trying to improve my teaching, support my growing girls, connect with my siblings, and continue writing.

Oh, and to spend time with my amazing husband.

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